Finsweet Components Subscription Pricing

Hi all! First time poster here :smile:

I have some questions about the subscription pricing for Components. Apologies if the questions seem common sense, but I just want to be clear!

  1. I have a Lifetime membership to Finsweet+. Does this cover Components or is Components a completely separate product?
  2. Does 1 subscription cover any and all sites that I build under my Webflow account or do I need to purchase a subscription for each build?
  3. If I discontinue payment, will the components still work? For example, I work on a website for my job. If I get them to purchase a subscription to Components while I build the site, will they have to continue paying for the subscription after the site is built?

Thanks for your help! Components looks great!

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Hey Phil, Iā€™m not a + user so iā€™m not sure about the first point but yeah you have to purchase subscription for each website that uses Finsweet component

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Hey @philtrott !

Thanks for your questions. Iā€™m glad to help.

  1. It is a separate product. Currently, Finsweet+ Members do not receive a discount.
  2. The subscription is per Webflow project. If you want to use unlimited components in two different Webflow builds, you will need two subscriptions.
  3. If you discontinue payment of the subscription, the components will stop loading on your page.

You can find more info on our subscription page.

Let me know if you have any other question :wink:

Eve Kayser

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The new components look amazing but I get the feeling Iā€™ll end up selling more ā€œplainā€ sites than ā€œcoolā€ sites based on this pricing structure. For a lot of freelancers we are trying to upsell clients to Webflow from WP /Squarespace etc sites, and by adding this functionality as a per site/per year basis having to charge a higher yearly fee, Iā€™m expecting alot of pushback from clients. Iā€™m not sure how the management of these subscriptions is going to work either on handoff. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this but Iā€™d rather have something like a Creative Cloud subscription. Pay a higher monthly fee to Finsweet+ and integrate these under that. For the cookies I ā€œgetā€ a monthly pricing model but for sliders, tables etc it seems a bit much to keep charging for the lifetime of a website for that type of service and I really think it opens the door for other component libraries (although cheaper and not anywhere as good) to attract users for a one off fee. Just my initial thoughts.

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Thanks! I went to the subscription page before but I didnā€™t realize I had to scroll down more to see the FAQs. Everything is in there. Lol! :man_facepalming:t5: But thanks for your help!

Iā€™m with you Paul. Again, just off my initial thoughts, the pricing structure feels like we are going back to WP plugins, which is why I had to come here and get clarity. I think I may be one of the few people left who are still fine with Adobeā€™s pricing model, and I agree with you. I would much rather pay a higher fee ($20-$40 per month) for access to the tools and pass those costs off to the client than to have the client pay monthly for a table or a slider functionality.

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Yes, I agree. I understand Finsweet need to get a pricing model in place that generates the revenue the value of this service warrants - Iā€™m just not sure this is it. I could potentially see one time payments for a specific use case eg someone needs a slider - pays a one off fee and thats them done. Web-freelancers and agencies could pay a much larger annual fee for access to full library and updates for as long as they are using the Finsweet solutions in their work, but to keep charging clients annually doesnā€™t feel quite right. Again, itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to pay for features like this (I really like the company and how they do everything :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) - itā€™s just the model doesnā€™t seem right for a big part of the customer base.

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hey @evekayser, can you confirm attributes will be unaffected? i am worried that they will similarly be put behind a paywall and we will have to (a) convince dozens of clients we have implemented attributes solutions for to pay for finsweet components or (b) redo their sites with non-attributes solutions. this would be an enormous hassle obviously. looking forward to you shedding light on this.

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Hi @merinostudio !

Attributes is our free product and will always include the free solutions we already provide, supported, and maintained by Finsweet.

We donā€™t have to worry about that :pray:


Iā€™m on the same page regarding the pricing.
An agency model would be awesome. Like others said it will be hard to convince a client to pay that fee for ā€œjust a sliderā€ but we as an agency would be happy to pay for a tool that helps us build this slider in webflow.

Would be awesome if the team could consider a solution for this.

Thanks for everything you are doing for the webflow community!

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