I’m having an intermittent issue with the slider component that we subscribed to.
About half the time the slider works and half the time it does not. I can’t find a pattern but some users it works for and some it doesn’t. I’m not sure if it’s dependent on the browser or the device but we need to get this fixed quickly.
However, it may work on your end. We have about 5 or so of the component sliders throughout the site. I am using the same class names across the different pages which maybe is the issue? Here’s my read only link.
Let me know if you are able to find anything that might fix this.
That’s the thing, it happens intermittently so I never know which browser it’s going to fail on. Could you check my read-only link to see if everything looks correctly? And like I mentioned, it works most of the time but I had the client reach out about it not working and someone on our team.
Good.- managed to get a broken slider on the page
Bad.- as I was debugging, it suddenly started working and I did not find a reason why as I did not change anything
As far as I can tell, nothing seems to be wrong with the setup. I have asked the team for help on this. I’ll get back to you if we find anything
Hey @jacob4! We were able to see the failure yesterday but have not been able to reproduce it or diagnose why it is happening. I checked once again today, and all sliders seem to load as they should, even with a couple of page refreshes.
Have you modified anything related to the code in the meantime? Is there anything that might have been blocking the script?
Hey @Support-Luis - I am also having this issue. It works when I click on the
arrow in webflow to preview - however when i refresh the page or don’t go to it from webflow it doesn’t work at all.
FYI this is on a collection list page so maybe that is bugging it out?