Multiple Nested Lists with CMS Combine and CMS Filter

hey, @michaellee2245 you can now use the three solutions on one page using some custom code. Here is how to make it work using all Attributes solutions.

  1. Set up CMS Nest with this guide

  2. use this CMS Combine Script

<!-- [Attributes by Finsweet] CMS Combine -->
<script defer fs-attributes-preventload="true"  src=""></script>
  1. add this code to your </body>, this will delay the CMS Combine script until all items are nested
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
  (listInstances) => {
    console.log('Items Nested Successfully!');
  1. your lists to nest will have the fs-cmsfilter-field = IDENTIFIER on the text element of each item and the fs-cmsfilter-element = list attribute will only be needed on your first list.

Feel free to message me if you need any help :muscle:

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