Stripe Payment Element embed in Webflow

Hi Finsweet Community!

I want to achieve what Rise has done on this landing page: Rise


What I believe I need is to implement this code of Stripe with:

  • Server.js
  • The correct HTML form in Webflow with IDs
  • Checkout.js

I was trying to follow the Alex tutorial about creating a Stripe Payment with Auth0 but I don’t know how to connect VS Code back-end with Webflow.

I don’t need Auth0 in my landing, is just what Rise achieves, where they collect the address with a token in the URL and compare it with the database if it’s correct shows the payment.

Are there any clues on how to handle this?

In case anyone is following this thread, I’m helping myself with this three videos:

  1. Javascript <> Webflow Finsweet starter pack

  2. Javascript deployment in Webflow

  3. Stripe Payment Element tutorial

If I achieve it I can share with you the results!

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