Attributes Query Param and reserved character "," %2C

I use Attribute Query Param on a select that filters jobs by sector.
It works well except when I pass the character ‘,’ encoded by %2C in the parameters.


URL that works:

URL that doesn’t work:

Can you help me solve this?

Hey @info12! CMS filter is smart enough to load the list already filtered if there are any query params without the use of the Query Param Attribute.

You can get the correct URL by adding the fs-cmsfilter-showquery="true" attribute to the list and performing the search for the “Communications, Fundraising & Media” option.

Thanks for the info. I removed Query param and added fs-cmsfilter-showquery=“true” to the list and it works for url with reserved characters EXCEPT when the url contains a comma.

For example, this link containing a comma “%2C” doesn’t work:

But this one does:

Seems that posting the urls on the forum changes their formatting :thinking:

But I do see what you mean. I’ll file this as a bug report for the V2 release but you can test this snippet as a workaround in the meantime.

  window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
    (filterInstances) => {
      console.log('cmsfilter Successfully loaded!');

      const [filterInstance] = filterInstances;

      // Function to get query parameter by name
      function getQueryParam(param) {
        const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
        return urlParams.get(param);

      // Function to select the appropriate option in the dropdown
      function selectJobSector() {
        const sectorParam = getQueryParam('sector');

        if (sectorParam) {
          // Decode the sector parameter to handle any special characters like %2C (comma)
          const decodedSectorParam = decodeURIComponent(sectorParam).replace(/\+/g, ' ');

          // Find the option in the select that matches the decoded sector parameter
          const selectElement = document.getElementById('Job-Sector');
          const options = selectElement.options;

          for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            if (options[i].value === decodedSectorParam) {
              selectElement.selectedIndex = i;

      // Call the function to select the appropriate job sector

      filterInstance.listInstance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {

Let me know if this fixes the issue !

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YES it works, Finsweet and Luis are the best! :heart:

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Hello Luis, the issue has returned.
I properly integrated the code you sent me, and it seemed to be working.
For example, with this link, the “select” does change when the page loads, but the list items are not filtered:
However, this one works:

As a reminder, the error only occurs when there is a comma in the filter.

Hey @info12! Interesting, could you tell me how this updated code works? I’ve added an event dispatch after the selection is made for the category and simplified the code into one function

  window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
    (filterInstances) => {
      console.log('cmsfilter Successfully loaded!');

      const [filterInstance] = filterInstances;
      const selectElement = document.querySelector('[fs-cmsfilter-field="sector"]'); // Replace with your select element's selector

      // Function to select the appropriate option in the dropdown
      function selectJobSector() {
        const sectorParam = new URLSearchParams('sector');

        if (sectorParam) {
          // Decode the sector parameter to handle any special characters like %2C (comma)
          const decodedSectorParam = decodeURIComponent(sectorParam).replace(/\+/g, ' ');

          // Find the option in the select that matches the decoded sector parameter
          const selectElement = document.getElementById('Job-Sector');
          const options = selectElement.options;

          for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            if (options[i].value === decodedSectorParam) {
              selectElement.selectedIndex = i;
          selectElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

      // Call the function to select the appropriate job sector

      filterInstance.listInstance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {
        // console.log(renderedItems);
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Hello sorry for the late response. Yes it works now :+1:.

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