I have a pretty basic set up with a collection list of projects I need to be filtered by some categories/tags. The tags are also being pulled from a collection list and I only show 9 at a time and then using the “load more” functionality to load 9 more tags at a time under the original 9.
The issue I’m running into is that the first 9 filter as expected. But any tag that is loaded as part of the pagination, is not filtering when clicked on. The same attribute is connected to all of the tags but only the 9 that are originally visible actually work to filter the collection of projects.
I’m also using the stagger load option, but it doesn’t appear to be affecting anything. I tried it with both the stagger on and off but no tag thats loaded will filter the list. I looked through the forum but couldn’t find anything matching this exact problem/issue. Any help solving this would be much appreciated!