Issue with CMS Filters and CMS Load - Load More Button triggers reload of page

Hello Finsweet Support,

I experiencing an issue with CMS Filter in combination with CMS Load functionality.

I have a list, with one filter applied (different categories / radio buttons) and want to show 3 items per page. With CMS Load functionality I load the next items. With selecting a different category I do a reset of itemsPerPage and show the first 3 items of this category. This seems to works fine except in one scenario:

  1. I have a total amount of 10 items with no filter applied (filterInstance.filtersData.values.size = 0)
  2. With no filters applied (clicking on «Projekte» on my site) you click 4 times on «mehr» to display all items.
  3. If you now select filter «Corporate» (there are a total of 4 items) and you click on «mehr», the whole page reloads.

Instead of displaying the 4th item of «Corporate» (as expected), the load more (next-page) button refreshes the page with showing the query-string. The URL is extended and page=2 is attached. You also see, that the filter «Corporate» is not applied correctly. This only happens, when I first display all items with no filter applied.

It seems, that the load more button looses the click event of cmsLoad and follows the href attribute. But I can not figure out why this happens?

The read only link of my site is here

Hey @Tobias! May I ask why are you using custom code here? This functionality is possible natively.

You’ll just need to set fs-cmsload-mode = load-under attribute to your list, this will continue loading your items below the currently loaded ones. Once the whole list is rendered, if you filter for “Corporate” you’ll see the 4 items that match the filter rendered on the page.

If I’m missing something please let me know and I’ll help you get the exact setup you are after :muscle:

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Hey @Support-Luis
You are right, that I want to have the effect of fs-cmsload-mode = load-under. But that is not the issue. Let me explain better:

Everytime I want to filter for “Corporate”, “Digital”, etc. I want to reset the itemsPerPage to 3. And then want to load more items. In the example, “Corporate” filters 4 items. (these items will increase, when the collection is filled completely).

It works fine except when I load all items on the page and afterwards click on “Corporate”/“Projects” and then want to load the next items.

Then the issue occurs: The page is reloaded and a query string is added to the URL.

@Support-Luis Can you follow the click-sequence and retrace the error?

Thanks for your support.

I tried fs-cmsload-mode=load-under but that does not solve the issue.

Hey @Tobias! I see what you want to achieve. Let me see what I can do and I’ll get back to you :wink:

Hey @Tobias! I’ve been testing several options today but I’m afraid I can not get the exact functionality to work.

Seems that as soon as we modify the itemsPerPage we break something. I will have another look early tomorrow with fresh ideas… I’ll get back to you :muscle:

Hey @Support-Luis - A big thanks to you!

I confess, that I struggle to hit the point, where the issue belongs to. In my poor understanding, cmsload is destroyed when the total of items is visible. With the next click on the load more button, the failure occurs. But I tried to destroy/init the modules without success. Even destroy/init Webflow does not work.

The funny thing is, that it all work properly if not all items are shown…
Thanks again and good luck for tomorrow :wink:

Hey @Support-Luis - Could you find out anything about the issue? Do you need any further information? Any help would be much appreciated.

Hey @Tobias! Sorry for the late reply. I am afraid I have not been able to achieve what you are looking for so far.

I will discuss this with the team to see if it can be achieved with V1 or if we can add it to V2 in the upcoming release.

Hey hey @Support-Luis - Thank you very much. Your effort is very much appreciated. If it cannot be done with V1 and I have a perspective when V2 is rolled out with this function, I can go on with other stuff of my site. And if you need a beta-tester, well reach out :wink:

We are working on the finishing touches for V2. I’ll reach out when we are ready to test :wink:

:+1: :+1: :+1:

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Hi Luis - Are there any news about this topic or when V2 is released?
Best Tobias

Hey @Tobias! No news so far, but we are working and getting closer to the V2 release :crossed_fingers:

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