CMS Load - Loader + Empty modules show at the same time

Hi all,

I’m having an issue with FS CMS load where the loader element shows up at the same time as my empty element. Ideally, I don’t want my users to think the list is empty if it’s still loading. Any thoughts? I’m using the CMS Load attribtues for both of these elements, though I am also using other attribute libraries on this page.

Here’s a link to the page

Here’s a recording: Search error | Loom

Hello @kc1! I’m afraid I can not replicate the issue, even throttling the connection I only see the loader displayed while the empty element is hidden as expected.

Here is a recording: Dietitian Nutritionists Near Me | Fay - 15 August 2024 | Loom

Hi Luis,

It most commonly appears when landing on the page with existing query parameters. If you’re on the homepage of the website and fill out the search query bar, it leads you to one of these pages. here’s a few examples:

Example 1

Example 2

Let me know if you’re seeing the issue. Is there any way to avoid this with finsweet?

Oh now I see! Thank you, this should not be happening, however, I can work on a temporary workaround while we release Attributes V2 :wink:

Thanks @Support-Luis ! Can you let me know when theres a workaround?