CMS filtering issue (loading speed)

I have implemented a CMS filter on our website, which contains over 1,000 images (items). When typing a keyword into the search bar, it takes too long for all the matching items to appear. Here is a link to a screen recording for better understanding.

and here is a read only link to the webflow designer.

please I need help regarding this issue

Hi, @baradehigeorges!

I checked your setup and you have a couple attributes in the wrong place, make these changes and it should work fine.

  1. Change the fs-cmsload-element=“list” from the Collection List Wrapper to the Collection List, you named it “list grid”.

  2. Delete the fs-cmsload-element=“list” from the Pagination Button

  3. Add the fs-cmsload-mode=“load-under” Attribute in the Collection List

Let me know if it works for you! :wink:

HELLO @Support-Pedro
I made the changes you talked about and I still have the exam same issue (the one explained in the screen recording I attached).

any idea on how to fix this ?
Thank you in advanced

Hey @baradehigeorges! I am afraid the page is not showing on the read-only link. Could you please update the link or share a live link where we can see the setup?

We will take a look and report back :wink:

hello @Support-Luis sure here is the updated link
please note that the search bar also have an erase filter attribute, I added this and the issue i discuss was happening before this so the erase/resest filters attribute on the search bar is not the reason.

Hey @baradehigeorges can you share a live link, please? We cannot test Attributes on the read-only.

I also do not see the form needed to control the filters

Here is the Live link @Support-Luis

Apologies @baradehigeorges, there is no search bar on your shared page.

We are looking at the Home page, is this correct?

Sorry my bad @Support-Luis the page I am talking about is the page « realisations » here is the live page

Awesome, thanks.

Can you share a query that would take time?

For performance reasons we always recommend using CMS Load set to fs-cmsload-mode = pagination so you may want to change the load mode and compare speed. I see you’ve already added the speed boost to the setup :thinking:

hey @Support-Luis ,
I’ve tried changing to pagination and I still face the exact same issue, so I put it back to load-more.

any idea on what i should try next ?

thank you for your help.

any updates ? @Support-Luis

Hey @baradehigeorges, apologies for the delay.

I can’t seem to replicate the issue on my end :thinking:

Here is a quick recording from my view with the same query as the one shown in your video

I assume these are all the items because I can not see any more loading after performing the search…

hey @Support-Luis no worries :slight_smile:

the issue is still here (but not if you visited the website previously)

the issue is still here for new users, when I delete cache and browsing data and then go to a private navigation or incognito mode it does the same issue again and ounce we we stay on the page with the same query they start appearing again just like the screen recording I made to show the issue.

thank you for your support.

Hey @baradehigeorges! I can only simulate this by throttling my connection to a very slow 4G.

Here is a more detailed video on my view of the issue

hey @Support-Luis

I agree it’s obvious that it would load slowly with a slow 4G connection. we have a very good connection and we still have the issue I tried on multiple laptops and Mac here with a great connection and we have the same issue.

Please note that the issue I am talking about happens from time to time I am note understanding when it is happening and when not.

I even see the issue in different locations that all have very fast connection.

As I said again the issue is really happening in random times.