Hey F’insweet,
I’m facing some issues with combining CMS Nest + Tab. Based on the troubleshooting, everything is set up perfectly, and my setup has all the necessary attributes and codes as your cloneable, so I’m not sure what goes wrong.
Here’s a Loom.
Here’s a read-only.
What I also noticed is that after a couple of refreshes, it works. But even after I insert the code that makes the site wait until the list gets loaded, I still need to refresh:
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || ;
(listInstances) => {
console.log(‘cmsnest Successfully loaded!’);
And when I insert the following code, which is in your cloneable, it’s even worse, cause the tabs stop working altogether:
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || ;
(listInstances) => {
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Hey @de.skaaa! Can you share more info on how the setup is supposed to work?
Hey @Support-Luis , thanks a lot for getting back to me.
Apologies if I wasn’t clear, here’s a new video. What I noticed is that the setup is correct, but for some reason it doesn’t load properly when opening the site for the first time. After I refresh 1-2x, it clicks 100%
If you could give me any tips, that’d be more than great.
Thanks a lot.
Hey @de.skaaa! These two solutions need the extra code as they don’t work together out of the box as the items need to be nested before the collection is moved to the tabs.
You are only missing the defer fs-attributes-preventload='true'
setting for the CMS Tabs Script. Adding that and the code supplied should make the solution work as you need it to 
ah thanks a lot @Support-Luis , I really appreciate your help.
However, I still think that the setup is really not intuitive, there’s no tutorial for this kind of setup, only the cloneable page, again with no instructions, just saying that ‘check the setup in the cloneable’.
other than that, great solution, but I think a lot of time could have been saved with a better explanation.
thank you for the feedback @de.skaaa! We are currently reworking our documentation and all this will be taken care of.
We are very excited to share the new docs with everyone!