Combine is not working


I’ve set up combine across 7 collection lists using blog categories to combine blog posts and newsletter volumes.

Here is an example page:

It’s most obvious they’ve not merged at the bottom of the page.

I’ve used the Automatic Software Support to confirm I’ve set it up correctly - however, the collection lists are not merging together.

Here is a link to my view only webflow instance:

Can anyone guide me in the correct direction?

Many thanks,

Hey @jmf! The issue is that you’ve added a different -x suffix to all the lists. All lists with the suffix -x will merge with lists that share this suffix.

If you want to merge all 7 lists into a single one then adding fs-cmscombine-element = list to all of them will do the trick.

@Support-Luis that worked! Thanks so much!!

@Support-Luis Seems that the webflow sort order is not being honored for the combined list collections…

I was hoping that once the collections were merged, the default view would be from newest to oldest, regardless of which collection the content is coming from…

Can you advise on the best way to do this with the combine attribute? Many thanks…

@jmf you’ll need to combine both CMS Combine and CMS Sort for this, here is an example on how to set them up CMS Sort + CMS Combine | Attributes.

@Support-Luis – thoughts here please?

I’ve added the “Sort” javascript to both the head and body of this page, along with the fs-cmssort-element = list to the attributes of the page.

However, I do not see the list collection sorting A-Z, which I believe is the default behavior?

That said, I want to sort newest to oldest based on the date field as defined in my CMS Collections…

I see the option to add a date by sort… but I am unclear as to: [1] Where to assign this attribute [2] How to sort by the data field as described above.

Can you please direct me to:

[1] Getting sort working
[2] How to add the date option as described?

Many thanks!

Here is my read-only site link:

Hey @jmf! You’ll need to define a sorting field identifier as shown in the image below.

In your case you should add the date field to your collection list item and give this element the fs-cmssort-field = IDENTIFIER and the fs-cmssort-type = date while your trigger get the fs-cmssort-field = IDENTIFIER.

And as you are combining several lists you can use this code in your body so that the button is clicked only after CMS Combine is done.

      window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
        (listInstances) => {

@Support-Luis thank you… is there a way to do this without a button – so the sort is done by default upon page load?

Many thanks.

@jmf CMS Sort needs to be triggered by user input, this button can be hidden from the user’s view, and the callback ensures the combined list is sorted only after the CMS Combine script has successfully run.

@Support-Luis Thanks for your patience on this – challenging for me…

add the date field to your collection list item

Does this mean I must add the date to the “card”? So the date of the post is showing?

Is there another option? I would prefer to avoid that – I don’t want dates on my displaying on my content…

@jmf yes, the date field neesds to be added to your cards, however you can always hide the element as it is not needed to be seen for items to still be sorted.

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