Content Flash On Every Page Load

I enabled the Components powered consent banner on and now I’m getting a flash on every page load or reload. How do I stop this?

Hey @drew1! Can you share a read-only link?

A read only link to what?

To your Webflow project

Wish I could, but the flicker got my webflow login deactivated. My team intends to pull Finsweet components, cancel the subscription, and use a different product. How do I get help before they do?

Meaning, I tried emailing support via a feedback form. Is there another way to get support?

Hey @drew1, this is the official support channel. This is the best way to get support.

This is the first time I’ve seen the content of the page flashing, I will forward this thread to the team and get back to you as soon as possible.

Hello @drew1!

I shared this with my team and there could be a couple of reasons why this is happening.

First, we noticed that you currently have the legacy Cookie Consent elements and script on the page. All of the legacy elements should be removed from the page to ensure correct functionality

Second, we found a script that tracks some of our Consent events and fires updates that cause the content to flash.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async=""></script>

Removing the legacy elements and improving the tracking script actions should remove the content flash. Please let me know if this fixes the issue!

Thank you @Support-Luis . We are working on it. I have questions from the Factors’ Team:

Our team wanted to understand why you / Finsweet team believe that it is the Factors script that is causing the flash? Could you share any tests the team might have conducted to pinpoint this to the Factors script

So two sprints later and we can’t find the flash. We can’t find the legacy elements. Factors can’t identify why you believe there is an error there. We’re going to have to move off Finsweet. It worked before it became a paid tool and now it’s not working, and we’re paying for it. I wish there was some way to pay for better level of support from Finsweet.

Hello @drew1,

Apologies for any inconvenience so far. We have taken another closer look at the issue as we noted that the flickering only occurred when accepting the analytics cookies. We then looked at the scripts under this category and noticed one that targeted and manipulated the body style.

This could be the culprit of the flicker you have been experiencing. I understand this script is for A/B testing, can you remove and test again for the flickering?