I am trying to filter between two combined CMS collections. I have used CMS filter + CMS combine + CMS Load.
What is my problem is that the filter won’t recognize fs-cmsfilter-field on the second CMS collection’s card. So, I would like to use the filter labels “Insights”, “Industry News” and “News and press”. I’ve used the fs-cmsfilter-field ‘category’. But if i use the attribute on the second CMS collection, the filter won’t recognize the attribute. Only if I add it on the first CMS collection.
I have no clue what I am doing wrong, why the filter won’t recognize the attributes on the second CMS?
Here is a read only 
Hi, @jenniemariemuller!
I noticed a couple of things in your CMS Filter setup.
The fs-cmsfilter-type=“date” attribute is for the elements inside the Collection List; make sure to delete the attribute from the elements inside the Filter-Form.
Also, make sure to put the fs-cmsfilter-field=“category” in all the elements that you need to be filtered.
Here is an example of CMS Filter + CMS Combine + CMS Load if you need any references for the setup while adding something else.
Feel free to reach out if you need any help! 
Hey @Support-Pedro
Thank you so much for your help!
I have done what you noticced - but it is still not working. It is simply not filtering the cards from the “insight” collection. The collection is seen, but not by the filter and you need to click “load more” to have it seen.
I have added fs-cmsfilter-field ‘category’ on all categories that I would like to filter.
Still not working.
Do you have any idea, or maybe you have @Support-Luis ? 
Have a nice day!