Finsweet + Jetboost Wishlist

Hi Luis

i see there’s already a topic for this problem but there’s no follow up from the customer so i’m opening this topic

We have finsweet load (render-all) on our customer website and it’s working well.

We then tried to implement jetboost wishlist and it appears to work (in the staging site it’s working everytime i think i never noticed the problem i’m about to describe)

In production we found that, sometimes, cms items dont show the jetboost wishlist icons, we tried a number of workaround, i contacted the jetboost support and they gave me 2 options, injecting the script once all the finsweet libraries are loaded and an init function (recomended) that should do everything inside it before initializing jetboost.

We tried but none of this approach worked out.

I then put some logs (the finsweet load item count, 280 items at this moment) and everytime i see that number before the log about the finsweet completed everything works, sometimes i see the count after and at that point i have the problem

i am using this file:

as you can see we have the renderItems that logs
console.log(‘Loading Jetboost after Finsweet initialization and renderitems event’);

this should happen AFTER the load “render-all” completed, right?

But sometimes i see this in the console:

Loading Jetboost after Finsweet initialization and renderitems event

so it renders 5 items before completing the load, and this is why the jetboost integration stops working.

Am i doing something wrong in the initialization process?

This version of the script has been tweaked many times during our tests so it may contain some errors, that said we are experiencing the same behavior as before

here the read-only link:

the script is loaded in the custom script in site settings

thank you as always

i’m trying to read the cmscore documentation, i tried using the event “additems” instead of renderitems but nothing changes

the fact that even if i wait for cms load to init the cmsfilter i still see only 5 items rendered for a split seconds it’s confusing me

Hey @gianluca!

If you are using the render-all load more, the correct function to use is this one

async function processRenderingQueue() {
  try {
    // Await the fulfillment of the renderingQueue Promise
    // The result is an array of the items rendered
    const result = await listInstance.renderingQueue;
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle any errors that may occur during the execution
    console.error('Error processing renderingQueue:', error);

As the load mode does not fire the normal renderitems event we listen with these lines:

listInstance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {

The end result should look something like this

  window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
    (listInstances) => {
      console.log('cmsload Successfully loaded!');

      async function processRenderingQueue() {
        try {
          // Await the fulfillment of the renderingQueue Promise
          // The result is an array of the items rendered
          const result = await listInstance.renderingQueue;

          // You can Initialize Jetboost here
        } catch (error) {
          // Handle any errors that may occur during the execution
          console.error('Error processing renderingQueue:', error);


Hi luis, you’re a lifesaver!

this seems to work perfectly, i’d like to know if there’s documentation for the apis, if i search your website i only find something about cms core, add items and render items

That being said i’d like to tell you about a related “bug” (i really dont know if it’s on finsweet side or webflow membership)

We have the logged in state used for showing some element in our cms items, with finsweet load we see those element only on the cms items that are loaded by default (the first 100 i guess) other items have none of those icons as if the membership logged in state is being checked once and never again after finsweet initialization

I already wrote to the webflow support because i feel like this is more on their side.

I am afraid we do not have much public documentation for the API but this will change for V2! :muscle:

Please let me know Webflow’s response on the matter and if needed I will help out with the code!

Hi Luiss,

they told us to contact your support, i think the problem is that the load happens after webflow checks for logged in user state, any workaround?

If they set a cookie or have any kind of “flag” to note that a user is or isn’t signed in we can restart CMS Load.

Do they have any documentation on this?

While we wait for webflow to answer my last email i tested your solution for waiting for the render-all to finish.

i think i may be doing something wrong:

i still see only 5 element from time to time

this is the code, do you spot anything out of place?

adding my last test, i added a number of logs to try to understand the behaviour.

I’m checking on renderingqueue 5 times and it returns always the same 5 items.

Also, at the top of the logs you can see a webflow-membership log telling that the user “isLoggedIn = false” maybe this can help with the integration of webflow membership

Starting to load Finsweet scripts...
webflow-membership.ts:97 Sa5Core {handlers: Array(1)}
webflow-membership.ts:49 isLoggedIn = false
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:13 Script loaded:
finsweet-loader.js:34 All Finsweet scripts loaded successfully
finsweet-loader.js:133 Finished loading Finsweet scripts. Starting initialization...
finsweet-loader.js:44 Initializing cmsload...
finsweet-loader.js:46 cmsLoad Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:48 Initializing cmscombine...
finsweet-loader.js:50 cmsCombine Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:52 Initializing cmsnest...
finsweet-loader.js:54 cmsNest Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:56 Initializing cmsfilter...
finsweet-loader.js:58 cmsFilter Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:60 Initializing cmsslider...
finsweet-loader.js:62 cmsSlider Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:64 Initializing cmssort...
finsweet-loader.js:66 cmsSort Successfully loaded!
finsweet-loader.js:135 Finished initializing Finsweet. Pushing cmsload attributes...
finsweet-loader.js:145 cmsload event triggered. Focusing on listInstance[0]
finsweet-loader.js:148 Details of listInstance[0]: v {debug: {…}, wrapper: div.collection-list-wrapper-6.w-dyn-list, index: 0, emptyState: false, paginationActive: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:81 Waiting for renderingQueue to fulfill for listInstance[0]... (Attempt 1/5)
finsweet-loader.js:83 RenderingQueue fulfilled: (5) [x, x, x, x, x]
finsweet-loader.js:88 Last item in the renderingQueue: x {element: div.collection-item-8.w-dyn-item, list: div.collection-list-5.w-dyn-items, staticIndex: undefined, props: {…}, valid: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:89 Last item currentIndex: 4
finsweet-loader.js:90 Last item href:
finsweet-loader.js:98 Not all items are rendered yet. Waiting for the next renderingQueue...
finsweet-loader.js:81 Waiting for renderingQueue to fulfill for listInstance[0]... (Attempt 2/5)
finsweet-loader.js:83 RenderingQueue fulfilled: (5) [x, x, x, x, x]
finsweet-loader.js:88 Last item in the renderingQueue: x {element: div.collection-item-8.w-dyn-item, list: div.collection-list-5.w-dyn-items, staticIndex: undefined, props: {…}, valid: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:89 Last item currentIndex: 4
finsweet-loader.js:90 Last item href:
finsweet-loader.js:98 Not all items are rendered yet. Waiting for the next renderingQueue...
finsweet-loader.js:81 Waiting for renderingQueue to fulfill for listInstance[0]... (Attempt 3/5)
finsweet-loader.js:83 RenderingQueue fulfilled: (5) [x, x, x, x, x]
finsweet-loader.js:88 Last item in the renderingQueue: x {element: div.collection-item-8.w-dyn-item, list: div.collection-list-5.w-dyn-items, staticIndex: undefined, props: {…}, valid: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:89 Last item currentIndex: 4
finsweet-loader.js:90 Last item href:
finsweet-loader.js:98 Not all items are rendered yet. Waiting for the next renderingQueue...
finsweet-loader.js:81 Waiting for renderingQueue to fulfill for listInstance[0]... (Attempt 4/5)
finsweet-loader.js:83 RenderingQueue fulfilled: (5) [x, x, x, x, x]
finsweet-loader.js:88 Last item in the renderingQueue: x {element: div.collection-item-8.w-dyn-item, list: div.collection-list-5.w-dyn-items, staticIndex: undefined, props: {…}, valid: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:89 Last item currentIndex: 4
finsweet-loader.js:90 Last item href:
finsweet-loader.js:98 Not all items are rendered yet. Waiting for the next renderingQueue...
finsweet-loader.js:81 Waiting for renderingQueue to fulfill for listInstance[0]... (Attempt 5/5)
finsweet-loader.js:83 RenderingQueue fulfilled: (5) [x, x, x, x, x]
finsweet-loader.js:88 Last item in the renderingQueue: x {element: div.collection-item-8.w-dyn-item, list: div.collection-list-5.w-dyn-items, staticIndex: undefined, props: {…}, valid: true, …}
finsweet-loader.js:89 Last item currentIndex: 4
finsweet-loader.js:90 Last item href:
finsweet-loader.js:98 Not all items are rendered yet. Waiting for the next renderingQueue...
finsweet-loader.js:124 Rendering did not complete successfully within the maximum attempts.

Hello @gianluca!

On which page are you testing this? I do not see the processRenderingQueue() on the home page or the link you’ve shared above :thinking:

Hi luis, cache maybe?

Ah I see the issue now, it boils down to the number of instance you are looking at. The order of these instances might be counter-intuitive I am afraid, something that should be addressed for Attributes V2 as we are dropping the -x instance naming.

You are currently looking into the first instance of CMS Load on the page, which would be the the one named list-11. If we console log all the instances, the one you should be looking is the third, or position 2 on the array, meaning that this should be the correct line for the processRenderingQueue function

const result = await listInstances[2].renderingQueue;

So in short, you should use listInstances[2] to target the correct instance for processRenderingQueue. This will wait until the 294 items are rendered to start Jetboost.

Let me know if this makes sense!

this totally makes sense and now i can see the 294 products in my console log

sadly jetboost still cant process those items (even if they are there, rendered on the page) i know that they use an embedded element containing:

<input type="hidden" class="jetboost-list-item" value="THE SLUG FROM CMS" />

to find the element on the page, maybe we can work that around knowing this? (i’m watching at the html and the embedded code is there so i really dont know why their script is not working)

I’m afraid I don’t know why Jetboost is failing. Could you contact their support and ask for guidance?

Hi luis,

thank you for your patience.

At last we decided to do the wishlist ourself with a node app integrating the webflow apis

Hey @gianluca!

Thank you for getting back to me on this. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

For what it’s worth, we are developing a Favorite solution as well for Attributes V2.

hi luis!

good to know

i have a question indeed, now we are consuming our apis to update a live collection (the wishlist collection), i need a way to “reload” the cms collection and/or the finsweet load integration to show updated count on my page.

I can listen for the success of the create-cms-item endpoint and, at that point, i would like to be able to reload my finsweet load instance