Hey guys, have any of you lunatics already rebuilt the animations for Finsweet’s cookie banners with GSAP? That would be an important step towards a life without webflow heavy animations.
I think if you use the Javascript based version it doesn’t use Webflow IX.
Is there a javascript based version?
Well, I have made the the interactions of the cookie banner with GSAP. This includes the cookie banner. Please note that I always put the cookie manager in the footer. Therefore, there is no interaction for it.
<!-- Cookie Banner -->
//Cookie Banner
function toggleBannerComponent() {
const bannerTrigger = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-banner_trigger");
const bannerComponent = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-banner_component");
const bannerOverlay = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-banner_overlay");
const bannerWrapper = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-banner_wrapper");
let bannerTimeline = gsap.timeline ();
// Überprüfe, ob die Preferences-Komponente aktuell sichtbar ist
const isOpen = bannerComponent.style.display === "flex";
if (!isOpen) {
// Wenn die Komponente geschlossen ist, spiele die Öffnungsanimation ab
bannerTimeline.set(bannerComponent, {display:"flex"});
bannerTimeline.fromTo( bannerOverlay, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, duration: 0.4 },">");
bannerTimeline.fromTo( bannerWrapper, { autoAlpha: 0, y: "100%" }, { autoAlpha: 1, y: "0%", duration: 0.4 },"<");
} else {
// Wenn die Komponente geöffnet ist, spiele die Schließungsanimation ab
bannerTimeline.to(bannerWrapper, { autoAlpha: 0, y: "100%", duration: 0.4 });
bannerTimeline.to(bannerOverlay, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 0.4 },"<0.2");
bannerTimeline.set(bannerComponent, {display:"none"},">");}
// Füge einen Event-Listener zum Klicken des Triggers hinzu
const bannerTrigger = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-banner_trigger");
bannerTrigger.addEventListener("click", toggleBannerComponent);
//Cookie Einstellungen öffnen
function togglePrefsComponent() {
const prefsTrigger = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-prefs_trigger");
const prefsComponent = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-prefs_component");
const prefsOverlay = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-prefs_overlay");
const prefsForm = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-prefs_form");
let prefTimeline = gsap.timeline ();
// Überprüfe, ob die Preferences-Komponente aktuell sichtbar ist
const isOpen = prefsComponent.style.display === "flex";
if (!isOpen) {
// Wenn die Komponente geschlossen ist, spiele die Öffnungsanimation ab
prefTimeline.set(prefsComponent, {display:"flex"});
prefTimeline.fromTo( prefsOverlay, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, duration: 0.4 },">");
prefTimeline.fromTo( prefsForm, { autoAlpha: 0, y: "20px" }, { autoAlpha: 1, y: "0px", duration: 0.4 },"<");
} else {
// Wenn die Komponente geöffnet ist, spiele die Schließungsanimation ab
prefTimeline.to(prefsForm, { autoAlpha: 0, y: "20px", duration: 0.4 });
prefTimeline.to(prefsOverlay, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 0.4 },"<0.2");
prefTimeline.set(prefsComponent, {display:"none"},">");}
// Füge einen Event-Listener zum Klicken des Triggers hinzu
const prefsTrigger = document.querySelector(".fs-cc-prefs_trigger");
prefsTrigger.addEventListener("click", togglePrefsComponent);
<!-- Navburger -->
let mm = gsap.matchMedia();
const navbarTrigger = document.querySelector('.w-nav-button');
const lineTop = document.querySelector('.menu-icon1_line-top');
const lineMiddle = document.querySelector('.menu-icon1_line-middle');
const lineBottom = document.querySelector('.menu-icon1_line-bottom');
mm.add('(max-width: 991px)', () => {
let navbarTriggerAnimation = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, reversed: true });
navbarTriggerAnimation.to(lineMiddle, { scaleX: 0, opacity: 0, duration: 0.3 });
navbarTriggerAnimation.to(lineTop, { y: 8, duration: 0.3 },"<");
navbarTriggerAnimation.to(lineBottom, { y: -8, duration: 0.3 },"<");
navbarTriggerAnimation.to(lineTop, { rotate: 45, duration: 0.3 },">");
navbarTriggerAnimation.to(lineBottom, { rotate: -45, duration: 0.3 },"<");
function toggleNavbarTriggerAnimation() {
// Wenn Animation noch nicht gestartet
if (navbarTriggerAnimation.reversed()) {
// Starte die Animation
} else {
// Andernfalls, spiele die Animation Rückwärts ab
navbarTrigger.addEventListener('click', toggleNavbarTriggerAnimation);
// Wenn max-width ist nicht <=991px, wollen wir alles zurücksetzen was nicht GSAP ist
return () => {
navbarTrigger.removeEventListener('click', toggleNavbarTriggerAnimation);
type or paste code here