How to make an exception for an interaction when using Reset interections attribute+ CMS Load

On this page we have show filters section that reveals filter drop down.

Interactions reset and CMS is applied on the list+ CMS Filters

Whenever we are choosing our filters, page loads and hides our filter dropdown every time. This is leading to poor UX as the dropdown should stay in its place when selecting multiple or single filters.

When we removed reset interactions attribute from the list, drop does not rests as expected, but then image pop up gets disabled for new load under pages.

Is there a way to make an exception for the filters dropdown interaction reset via another attribute or javascript?

Kindly let us know regarding a suitable solution.

With reset Interaction-Drop down collapses every time on filter selection as list updates. We want to keep this dropdown’s interaction to not reset

Without reset Interaction- Drop down does not resets, as want to keep. However as expected image pop up interaction then starts to face an issue and reset interaction is required for it.

hey @info8! There is no way to select which interactions are reset and which interactions are not. fs-cmsload-resetix will reset ALL interactions within the page and will break any interaction with initial states such as your search bar.

The best practice is to simulate the initial state with the effects panel shown below.

we made the additional tags area a bit more compact and default as open, additionally added show hide buttons. Sorted, thanks luis for the time.

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