Issues with Lightboxes in Multiple CMS Collections on a Single Page

Dear Finsweet Team,

I have multiple lightboxes on a client’s website, placed in different CMS collections on the same page. These are generated within a Collection List. The issue is that the lightboxes in the second collection cannot be closed once opened. Lightbox button is “DETAILS ANZEIGEN”.

For example, the buttons in the “Gesichtsbehandlung” category work perfectly. However, in the “Haarentfernung” category, the lightboxes do not close after being opened.

Can you help me identify the problem?

Here is the read-only link:

Here is the link to the website (
Angebote bei JÉIS - Entdecken Sie unsere Specials - JÉIS GmbH

I need a solution as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!

Hey @athosabreu! I do not see the scripts for either Modal to Lightbox on your project.

How are you managing the pop-up open and close? If you are using interactions see that all triggers are set accordingly

I installed the Finsweet Library and added in the “Modal 1 - IX2”:

Okay, I think I reproduced the bug on my end now.

Did you copy/paste the accordion into the second collection list? I noticed that copying and pasting the modal element on the page produces the exact behavior you are describing.

However, when adding the second modal from the library we can open and close without issues.

Could you try removing the modal and re-adding it to the second collection from the library?