Items duplicated with load

Hi luis

we are experiencing this problem on multiple websites in the past few weeks, for one of our customers we disabled the integration (they have less then 100 active item at the same time)

another customer have the same problem but in this case we cannot disable the integration.

I checked other posts and we dont have multiple initialization in that page (we have the initialization in the webflow generic custom code for the header)

here the preview link

could you please check?

thanks as always

Hey @gianluca! This seems very similar to this issue

Could you please check if these attributes are messing up the list?

And on another note! I noticed there are two different lists on each tab. Remember that CMS Load requires you to define instances when loading multiple lists following the structure below.

Note that the load mode does not require any -x suffix added

hi luis!
thanks a lot and sorry for the late reply, i’m gonna check on this in the next fews days and let you know

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it was exactly the same problem involving iubenda, thanks a lot!

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