Number Count Trigger on Click

Hey All
I have numbers within an accordion and want to trigger the Number Count script when that accordion opens.

I tried

which is a solution that has worked for other attributes to programmatically trigger them but I get an error

> "Uncaught TypeError: window.fsAttributes.numbercount.init is not a function"

Is there another snippet that I need to trigger them?


Hey @bill! Try adding this before the init line window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];

If this does not fix the issue please share a link or your code so I can help debug :wink:

Hi @Support-Luis

I’m encountering a similar issue but the previous answers did not provide much context.

Here’s the script I worked on:

// Number count
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || ;
function (numberCountInstances) {
// Function to trigger the number count animation
const triggerNumberCountAnimation = () => {
const countElements = $(‘[fs-numbercount-element=“number”]’);
countElements.each(function () {
const event = new Event(“numbercount:start”);

// Add event listener to the trigger elements with the specified class
const triggerClass = $(".count-up_tab-link");
$(triggerClass).on("click", function () {
  console.log("count it up");


It’s not working out and can’t find any info elsewhere, good you help me figure this out please?

Hey @joseph.bongrand! Could you please share your published link?

Hey @Support-Luis here’s a link: Home

Hey @joseph.bongrand! Is this an issue of you wanting to reinitiate the counting animation depending on the active tab?

As in, the user sees “Time saved” count → clicks on “Money saved” and sees the animation → clicks once more in “Time saved” and the animation plays again?

I am not sure if we can do this :thinking:

@Support-Luis yes that’s what I’d like to achieve.
Anyway it can be reset or re-triggered?
The only option I see atm is to delete the element and recreate it on every click but that’s a lot of DOM manipulation + not even sure that works

Yes, I also see this as the only possible option something like resetting the text element to the original value and then running the window.fsAttributes.numbercount.init(); line.

You are free to give it a try.

Got it I’ll give that a try

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