Renderitems not refreshing on mobile


Do you have a clue on how this code doesn’t work for my items on mobile?

    window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
      (listInstances) => {
        console.log('cmsload Successfully loaded!');

        const [listInstance] = listInstances;

        //Code to run once after the Attribute loads goes here

        listInstance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {
          //Code to run each time items are rendered goes here

Here’s the live page: Studio Format – Projets

Hey @pablo.faust! You are only targeting the first instance of the Attribute by using const [listInstance] = listInstances

For more than one instance of the Attribute you need to use this

  window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
    (listInstances) => {
      console.log('cmsload Successfully loaded!');
      listInstances.forEach((instance) => {
        instance.on('renderitems', (renderedItems) => {
          // your code for all cmsload instances
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Awesome, thanks!!

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