Sort Direction class

HI! I am just trying to implement Sort Direction classes to show the sorting direction with arrows but I could not figure it out how to do it. Basically I need 3 states: :up_down_arrow: , ↑, ↓

I added the following attributes to a button with span text in it:
fs-cmssort-element: trigger
fs-cmssort-field: firm
fs-cmssort-asc: ascending-class
fs-cmssort-desc: descending-class

But how do I change the arrows with the classes?

Hey @kakimari01!

The sorting direction classes are being correclty applied, however it seems there are no styles applied to them.

My suggestion, since there are several sorting triggers, would be to use the default is-asc class

The way to properly add styles is to create a combo class on the element and style the is-asc and is-desc classes as shown (very roughly) below



Let me know if you need any help implementing this!