Clear All Button vs Checkbox filters

Is there a way to add an active state to clear all button that works well with checkbox filters and multi filtering choice? I couldn’t find the way to make it work with checkboxes and radio button as a clear all button.
It shows the checked state on the page load but then it doesn’t disappear when I click through the checkboxes.
thanks for the help!

Hey @slawek! Some time ago I made this guide, could you follow to see if this fits your need?

Hey @Support-Luis thanks for the reply. I saw that, but that’s not what I’m looking for as in my case I do have radio button (all+reset) and multiple choice (checkboxes) so they are not in the same group as radio buttons might be.

Like here @Support-Luis
Everything is set up correctly and working fine beside that active state does not disappear from All button (radio) after selecting one of the filters (checkboxes)

Interesting, could you share a link to the project? I’ll take a look