Hello again,
Sorry if this is long but I love trying to clarify and give detail. Grammar is not my forte.
Before Today
In Google Search Console about 7 months ago I started getting notifications about “Pages with Redirects” on all of my customers websites. When no redirects existed across the websites.
So I reached out to Webflow and asked them for some help.
They told me that I needed to add “Disallow: /cdn-cgi/” to my robot.txt field under indexing. So I did so went back into GSC and hit Validate Fix. That did not fix it. I also at the time never had my Default domain set so I left it unchecked. So I went across the websites and checked my default domain.
What I’ve always done I believe is causing the issue
It never occurred to me that I have missed a step or 2 with my DNS.
I set up all of customers domains with Cloudflare. Added the records manually with TTL of 2 minutes. Left it as it is.
Not sure if this is what I should be doing?
What I have figured out is that I probably need to disable the SSL in Cloudflares advanced settings across all the domains. Because it’s not necessary to have on with Webflows AWS hosting providing one?
WF Forum Source 1, Cloudflare CF Source 2,
Add a Global Canonical Tag. Not sure which way to add it.
https://www.yourdomain.com or http://yourdomain.com
Switch my TTLs to Auto. I’ve always had the proxy as DNS Only.
My redirects in GSC look like this.
Lets just say I have 10 pages indexed with unique slugshttps://webaddress.com/123. I have another set of a duplicate 10 indexed pages http://webaddress.com/123
Examples of what I an seeing inside:
Please and thankyou for any corrections in guidance. I really don’t want keep misinterpreting.