CMS Filters not working

This is a strange one. In my Chrome browser where I’m logged into Webflow my filters work great.

On Chrome incognito, plus all other browsers (Safari, Firefox) they don’t work.

@Support-Luis Any ideas what’s going on?


Hey @v11! It seems this code is causing the issue

// Hide/Show save-button and saved-note based on user's saved items
            const currentMemberJSON = await window.$memberstackDom.getMemberJSON();

            // Drill down into the nested 'data' properties
            let memberData = currentMemberJSON;
            while (memberData && {
              memberData =;

            // Check if the 'adIds' property exists and is an array
            const adIdsArray =
              memberData.adIds && Array.isArray(memberData.adIds) ? memberData.adIds : [];

            // Hide 'save-button' and show 'saved-note' for each CMS item that's in the member's JSON
            adIdsArray.forEach((adIdValue) => {
              $('.save-button[data-ad-id="' + adIdValue + '"]').hide();
              $('.saved-note[data-ad-id="' + adIdValue + '"]').show();

This new callback logs the error instead of breaking the script

// Combined CMS Load callback
        async (listInstances) => {
          console.log('cmsload Successfully loaded!');

          const [listInstance] = listInstances;

          listInstance.on('renderitems', async (renderedItems) => {

            // Ensure Mux script is loaded and reinitialize videos

            try {
              // Hide/Show save-button and saved-note based on user's saved items
              const currentMemberJSON = await window.$memberstackDom.getMemberJSON();

              // Drill down into the nested 'data' properties
              let memberData = currentMemberJSON;
              while (memberData && {
                memberData =;

              // Check if the 'adIds' property exists and is an array
              const adIdsArray =
                memberData.adIds && Array.isArray(memberData.adIds) ? memberData.adIds : [];

              // Hide 'save-button' and show 'saved-note' for each CMS item that's in the member's JSON
              adIdsArray.forEach((adIdValue) => {
                $('.save-button[data-ad-id="' + adIdValue + '"]').hide();
                $('.saved-note[data-ad-id="' + adIdValue + '"]').show();
            } catch (error) {
              console.log('An error has occurred: ', error);

Let me know if this fixes your issue :muscle:

Legend. I got it working. Thanks man!

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