CMS Load - Load Under always show ?id_page=2


On CMS Load with the load under solution, the link to load more articles always show ?id_page=2

However, for SEO it should paginate normally with page=2, page=3 etc… The issue here is that the bot never has access to others pages (3, 4, 5 etc…) via this system.

I know this is a intended behavior with CMS Load (cf. this post) but is there a way to keep the pagination while using the load under attributes ?

Thanks a lot

Hello @b.eveillard9!

Where are you performing the SEO audit? I have some things I would like to test to see if we can improve this issue as we do not have a way of keeping pagination and load under on the same collection

This is the SEO freelance my client has who runs the audit but I think he is using Screaming Frog.