CMS Load - Load Under Reset To Showing Initial

Hi There,

I’m using CMS Load - Load Under for a list on my page. I’m showing 12 on initial and then the load more button below

However, I was wondering if there was a way that once all 134 items are shown to have a button that collapses the list so that the only the initial 12 are shown again

Hey @lovebrian649!

Can you please share a link to the setup? I can work on the code to see if this is possible with the current Attributes version! :muscle:

Thanks so much Luis…The client actually changed their mind on that feature but I’ll create a scratch project and paste it in here in case you still want to possibly find a solution

Not urgent though and only if you have time

We can also wait for Attributes V2! The List Attribute is getting a big upgrade :muscle: