Not sure what am I missing, but my CMS Nest is not working.
The ASS says: “The attribute fs-cmsnest-collection=“cat” is found on the Collection’s CMS Template, but the link is not working. Check if the link to the Item’s Template page is correct.”
The link is correct.

Page: Blog (NEW)
Template: Blogs
Nested List: Tags
Hey @avivtech! Can you move the script to your <head>
? If this does not work can you share a published link? You can dm me if needed.
I encountered the same issue today apparently.
There are two errors connected with nest attributes — it seems that there is an issue with the first link under collection items in both of them. I’ve checked the code and everything looks okay, nothing has been changed there.
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Tey @filip.radkiewicz! This happens when the template page is unreachable, I believe you have set it so it is not published therefore the information is never fetched correctly.
If you wish not to publish the template page you can look into using CMS Nest option #2 which does not require any fetching for info in the template page.
ahhhh, you’re right! Thanks for noticing it. I will block pages with another method.
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