Error Syncing and No images passing from Airtable to Webflow

Hi there,

It’s my first post here on the forums… I’m currently having 2 issues with CMS BRidge:

First, none of my images are syncing… The fields seem mapped correctly… I don’t get any errors… they simply just don’t show up in Webflow at all. I had placeholder images in Webflow CMS, so I deleted a few to see if it made a difference… No change. I also republished my webflow site.

Second, now when I try to sync in general I’m getting this error and the warning message (see screenshot):

{“message”:“Validation Error”,“code”:“validation_error”,“externalReference”:null,“details”:[{“param”:“current-status”,“description”:“Value is not an allowed Option: ‘In Pod - Claimed’”}]}

I don’t know what the issue is as it worked before…

When I tried previously today (no details changed), it gave me this error…

Hey @rob2! Thank you for bringing this up. I have forwarded this to the relevant team who will be taking a look at both issues :muscle:

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Hey @rob2!

For the first Database Sync Error, there was a problem where the Airtable token could not be refreshed, you will need to refresh the app and reconnect to Airtable. We will improve the error message in an update :muscle:

For the validation error (“Value is not an allowed Option: ‘In Pod - Claimed’ ”) It seems that the ‘In Pod - Claimed’ option is not present. Please check that it is added to the Webflow field as we only sync data, we do not update the schema.

Could you please share some screenshots of the issues you are facing with the image syncing?

hi Luis, thanks for the quick reply!

Ok understood on the schema not being updated… that fixed the problem with that error!..

However the image sync issue persists…

I’m adding screenshots showing the image in airtable, its mapping in CMS bridge, and then the blank results in Webflow.

Hey @rob2!

I’m afraid we could not replicate the issue you’ve reported. Could you confirm this happen when synching from Airtable to Webflow?

Also, to update the image, are you only uploading the image or are you using any other tool for this?

Yes, this is going from Airtable to webflow.

We are not using any other tool… the field is being synced from another airtable base though… but it is a normal “attachement” field in airtable.

Thank you for the details, we will continue trying to replicate the error on our end and work on a fix for this. :pray:

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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hi Luis,

After scratching my head for a while, I found my CMS Bridge integration had been revoked by airtable… So that’s a good clue!

I re-enabled now…

I re-enabled the integration and ran the sync, and now it shows no errors…

But unfortunately images are still not being synced… so not sure how to solve this.

Hopefully, there will be some ability to help now that the integration is enabled…

I figured it out… the image was 5.2 mb, which seems to be too big… Once I tried a smaller file, it worked fine.

Thank you for updating!