Issues with the sync of some tables


I’ve got troubles syncing two of my tables (I manage to sync the other ones) but some reasons : it doesn’t work.
It seems like syncing the rich text doesn’t work properly (I do respect the limitations no H4, H5, H6, Image,Video,Code block)

Could I please get some assitance ?



Hi @william1,

Which direction is the Sync? What in Rich Text is not working exactly? Can you record a Loom explainer?


Hi @Support_Rohan,

It is a Webflow > Airtable sync
Here is the video to describe the issue :


And here is the second issue : Syncing Issues with Webflow and Airtable 🤔

Hi @william1,

Can you remove the HTML tags (like <p> & </p>) in Webflow CMS and try again?

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Try this:

  1. Import only the mandatory data for the Produits de Sante table, i.e. without any additional field mapping.
  2. Sync the Ordonnances Types table’s Connection, after unlinking the Exam complementaires Field Link.
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Hi @Support_Rohan ,

I tried the three steps you suggested but none of it work :cry:

What can I do next to try to make this sync work?


Hi @Support_Rohan ,

Is there a plan to fix these issues ? (Rich text sync and CMS tables connections) Or should I cancel my subscription and ask for a refund ?


Hi @william1, it seems there is an issue with Connections that have reference fields. We will deploy the bug fix soon.

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Hi @william1 , we’ve deployed a fix. Please follow instructions on Connect Reference Fields - Docs | CMS Bridge and try again.

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Hi @Support_Rohan ,

I get this error now :grimacing:

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 12.33.56 PM

Do you see any error in the airtable message field?
I see that this error is thrown from airtable

{"error":{"type":"INVALID_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_OPTIONS","message":"Insufficient permissions to create new select option \"\"Autre\"\""}}```
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I guess you should first fix the fields in airtable and webflow, then try again to sync.

Thanks @besart !

I still have trouble with the Webflow Option field sync with the Airtable Single select. CMS Bridge tells me all if sync but the field remains empty.

Any ideas how to debug that please ?

Do I need to prefill the options in Airtable for it to be synced ? (my sync if from Webflow to Airtable)

Yeah, you need to have the same options in Webflow and Airtable to work.
We don’t change structure of the Airtable tables or Webflow Collection.

Hello @besart

I solved most of my issues; I only have these two ones remaining :

Hello @Support_Rohan @besart ,

I still have issues with my tables. For instance one table does’t sync all the items (50 are missing) despite CMS Bridge telling me that all is ok.

What can i do except publish webflow and reload Airtable ?


Hi @william1, try to manually trigger the Sync for those 50 items by deleting the values of CMS-B: Sync time and publish the Database Sync.

When I delete them I triggers a new sync but I still get 50 more webflow items than Airtable items (the sync is Webflow > Airtable).
I’ve got the same issues with another table with more than 300 items missing ! I don’t know what to do next :cry: