Prerender search results page

hi again @Support-Luis,
I’ve moved the search bar into the head and wrapped in a component and it has stopped functioning.
I’ve tried everything but not sure how to proceed.

thanks again!

Here is the ‘search input field’ on home page:

here is the ‘results’ page:

Hey @ianhock! I’m afraid I don’t experience what you are saying on my end. The filtered list seems to load almost immediately.

However, you could speed up the load with CMS Load Speed Boost by simply enabling the page count option for your list, this will optimize its load time as detailed below.

Let me know if this fixes the issue for you!

thanks @Support-Luis! I continued reading through the forum and was able to fix it by removing the query params which was forcing the cms filters to re-filter after page load.

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hi again @Support-Luis,
I’ve moved the search bar into the head and wrapped in a component and it has stopped functioning.
I’ve tried everything but not sure how to proceed.

thanks again!

Here is the ‘search input field’ on home page:

here is the ‘results’ page:

sorry @Support-Luis i fixed it by wrapping the entire snippet in the following:
document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function()
let me know if you’d do it differently or if something unintended might happen.

thanks as always!


That’s exactly the way I’d do it! Great to hear you got this working :raised_hands: