Hi everyone !
I have a collection list page with a masonry grid for display projects. Items are filtered by Finsweet Attributes with radio buttons.
If I use Refokus Masonry Library, i have a problem of images loading when i click on a filter nav item (Desktop + Smartphone).
If I use Macy.js (actually set. up on the site), i have a problem of loading, but only on smartphone (it create a big space between filters and collection list).
Link of a video capture on smartphone : Dropbox - Vertical_film_sm_pb.mp4 - Simplify your life
Is someone can help me ?
Here the read-only link : Webflow - Vertical Films
Here the pre-prod of the website : Les projets de Vertical Films
Thanks !
Hello @cetestudio.pro !
Could you moving the CMS Filter callback to the </body>
section of the page’s custom code? Let me know if this works!
Hello @Support-Luis ,
Do you speak about the script of the Finsweet Attributes CMS Filters ?
No, the CMS Filter script should go on the <head>
This is the callback
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
(filterInstances) => {
const options = {
container: "#masonry",
margin: 16,
columns: 3,
breakAt: {
991: 3,
767: 2,
479: 1
let macyInstance = Macy(options);
const items = document.querySelectorAll(".collection-proj");
for (let item of items) {
// The callback passes a `filterInstances` array with all the `CMSFilters` instances on the page.
const [filterInstance] = filterInstances;
// The `renderitems` event runs whenever the list renders items after filtering.
filterInstance.listInstance.on("renderitems", (renderedItems) => {
macyInstance = Macy(options);
Thanks @Support-Luis ,
It works ! But only if i put the scripts + the callback on the </body>
Great to hear!
And yes any additional callback should be added to the </body>
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Hi @Support-Luis ,
I’m sorry but my customer tell me that the problem is not resolved on IOS. Is it possible that there are compatibility problems?
Hey @cetestudio.pro ! Could it be an issue with the initializing of Macy on IOS? Could you look into potential solutions within the library docs?
Hey @Support-Luis , i finally use a different script, and all works fine now. Thanks
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July 1, 2024, 6:42am
@cetestudio.pro I am having the same issue right now - I see its working on your page now, how did you solve it?