Hello, I’m using the Attributes API to grab external data and bring it into Webflow using CMS Load.
I’ve been following along with the youtube video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgI8rf9mbH4](https://Attributes API Tutorial Part 1) and got to the very end, but I keep hitting an error related to t.querySelector is not a function
Page: [test-POS Catalog](Test page)
I want some help with what I can do to remedy this issue.
Here is the code I have on the page.
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || []
window.fsAttributes.push(['cmsload', async (listInstances) => {
console.log('cmsload Successfully loaded!')
const [listInstance] = listInstances //defines cms list being used
const [item] = listInstance.items //defines single item from reference list
const itemTemplate = item.element //defines template using single item
const cards = await fetchItems() //grabs data from external api
listInstance.clearItems() //removes placeholder items
const newItems = cards.map((card) => newItem(card, itemTemplate))
await listInstance.addItems(newItems)
const fetchItems = async () => {
try {
const res = await fetch('my_api')
const data = await res.json()
return data
} catch(error) {
return []
const newItem = (item, template) => {
const { image_url, name, number, inventory, type } = item
const clone = template.cloneNode(true)
const img = clone.querySelector('[data-element="image"]')
const title = clone.querySelector('[data-element="title"]')
const cardType = clone.querySelector('[data-element="type"]')
const cardInventory = clone.querySelector('[data-element="inventory"]')
const cardNumber = clone.querySelector('[data-element="number"]')
if(img) {
img.src = image_url
} else {
if(img) img.classList.add('display-none')
if(title) title.textContent = name
if(cardType) cardType.textContent = type
if(cardInventory) cardInventory.textContent = inventory
if(cardNumber) cardNumber.textContent = number
return newItem