Hey @tejus.kabadi! I have requested some additional support for this. I’ll get back to you 
Hey @Support-Luis , Do let me know if there is an update!
Hey @tejus.kabadi Can you please change this
const populateDateFromCms = () => {
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
async (filtersInstances) => {
// Get the filters instance
const [filtersInstance] = filtersInstances;
// Get the list instance
const { listInstance } = filtersInstance;
For this:
const populateDateFromCms = () => {
window.fsAttributes = window.fsAttributes || [];
async (listInstances) => {
// Get the list instance
const [listInstance] = listInstances;
You should be waiting for CMS Load instead of CMS Filter to finish loading 
You are welcome! I hope this fixes the issue!