Filter attribute bug

I added the fs-cmsfilter-match option to the filter which I don’t think its working properly at the moment.I was testing it by selecting “3CHI” from the brand dropdown first and second selecting “gummies” from the category dropdown, if I do it in this order everything nested inside the form disappears. If I change the order it actually works fine and the match option seems to be working.

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Hey @stevenjhilario! This might be because of the fs-cmsfilter-field = * set to the checkboxes. Have you tested with other field identifiers?

Also, the fs-cmsfilter-match attribute seems to only be set on the bradn field on the item cards. Can you add it to your checkboxes?

I guess it doesnt work with the fs-cmsfilter-field is set to “*” I cant change it to another identifiers because the way its set up it would not work. I guess I can live with setting the the match attribute to the brand checkboxes.

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Great! Let me know if you need any more help!