Need help with CMS Nest

Hey guys!

First of all thanks again for making CMS Nest available. It is however the attribute that gives most of the pain. I’ve followed Web Baes tutorial, I’ve checked your documentation and I used the Automated Support Service, but I’m still clueless. Can you help please?

My fs-cmsnest-collection is “berater”. The collection is in place, links are in place but it still tells me “The attribute fs-cmsnest-collection=“berater” is found, but the url link in the CMS Collection Item is not working. Check if the Link Block or Text Link have the correct link to the Item’s Template page.”

I’m trying to insert the collection Berater, inside the collection Standorte.



I looked at your page and it seems like CMS Nest is working fine, maybe I don’t fully understand the issue.

Are you still facing the same issue? If not could you share the solution please?

Let me know if you need any help.

Hi Pedro

Thanks for your help! Yes, you are right. Must have been a cache-issue. Thanks for reviewing it!

Hi @Support-Pedro

Nope, it still makes trouble on other sides. Can you please check again?